


Information technology security is top of mind today, and for good reason. One misstep, one unprotected device, one vulnerability in your infrastructure, can lead to a catastrophic breach. The good news is that you don’t have to go it alone. As an IT security Consultant, B.M. Infotrade is here to guide you, using a layered security approach, providing protection at every layer: from the DNS layer, to the network, to the endpoint.

At B.M. Infotrade, our approach to our customers’ security is demonstrated in our managed security services framework.

We base our work on the core principles of the CIA triad: Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.

Everything we do for our customers is built and managed to strict best practices that provide a level of operational excellence achieved through rigorous ITIL process and procedure, best-in-class technology, top-tier data centers and truly exceptional engineering talent.


Security leaders need a cost-effective solution that detects and prevents intrusions, malware and other malicious activity.

They need access to the latest threat research and analytics to separate the real threats from the noise. And they need 24/7 security experts who continually monitor their environments for threats and know what to do when they arise. With B.M. Infotrade Managed Detection and Response service, organizations get the always-on support they need.


In recent months, the growing remote workforce has brought endpoint security into renewed focus. More than ever before, end users are opening organizations up to increased risk, especially as they access sensitive company data from afar.

But in-house security expertise can be stretched thin or even not exist, making an experienced partner with proven endpoint protection tools a critical part of a comprehensive security strategy. At B.M. Infotrade, we can help ensure your endpoints are protected, in a metered, pay-for-what-you-use approach, meaning you get the protection you need without upfront expense or additional headcount.


The currency of business these days is data. So, to protect your business, your sensitive data must be encrypted in order for it to be secure from both internal and external threats. We can help encrypt your sensitive data, keeping you and your critical data safe.


Threats against an organization's information and integrity are growing faster than ever, so protect your critical data with an intrusion detection and prevention solution. Ensure your defense is ready against attacks while allowing legitimate traffic to reach its intended destination in your business.

The challenge becomes knowing which of the thousands of alerts are real threats and which are false alarms, leading your IT team in circles chasing them down. Managed security services can help keep your IDS/IPS devices up-to-date and monitor them to ensure you’re protected from emerging threats.


As any IT professional can attest, log management becomes a challenge when every device is generating a log of constant activity and, when not closely monitored and analyzed, real security threats can go undetected.

At B.M. Infotrade, our managed security services team not only monitors your logs for alerts but diligently analyzes them for indicators of security vulnerabilities, ensuring you are able to prevent and mitigate any threats to your critical data.


Damages from cybercrime are expected to reach $6 trillion by 2021, and the number of security breaches in increasing at a rate of 27.4% annually.

B.M. Infotrade excels at delivering security by design, which means we build security solutions from the ground up, customized to meet your organization's unique requirements.


Here are some of the security and compliance areas where B.M. Infotrade managed security services excel:

  • Data Encryption
  • Intrusion Detection and Prevention
  • Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)
  • Log Management



Security information and event management (SIEM) software gives enterprise security professionals both insight into and a track record of the activities within their IT environment.

SIEM technology has been in existence for more than a decade, initially evolving from the log management discipline. It combined security event management (SEM) – which analyzes log and event data in real time to provide threat monitoring, event correlation and incident response – with security information management (SIM) which collects, analyzes and reports on log data.


A WAF or Web Application Firewall helps protect web applications by filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic between a web application and the Internet. It typically protects web applications from attacks such as cross-site forgery, cross-site-scripting (XSS), file inclusion, and SQL injection, among others. A WAF is a protocol layer 7 defense (in the OSI model), and is not designed to defend against all types of attacks.

This method of attack mitigation is usually part of a suite of tools which together create a holistic defense against a range of attack vectors.

By deploying a WAF in front of a web application, a shield is placed between the web application and the Internet. While a proxy server protects a client machine’s identity by using an intermediary, a WAF is a type of reverse-proxy, protecting the server from exposure by having clients pass through the WAF before reaching the server.

A WAF operates through a set of rules often called policies. These policies aim to protect against vulnerabilities in the application by filtering out malicious traffic. The value of a WAF comes in part from the speed and ease with which policy modification can be implemented, allowing for faster response to varying attack vectors; during a DDoS attack, rate limiting can be quickly implemented by modifying WAF policies.


A honeypot is a computer or computer system intended to mimic likely targets of cyberattacks. It can be used to detect attacks or deflect them from a legitimate target. It can also be used to gain information about how cybercriminals operate.


Data classification is broadly defined as the process of organizing data by relevant categories so that it may be used and protected more efficiently. On a basic level, the classification process makes data easier to locate and retrieve. Data classification is of particular importance when it comes to risk management, compliance, and data security.

Data classification involves tagging data to make it easily searchable and trackable. It also eliminates multiple duplications of data, which can reduce storage and backup costs while speeding up the search process. Though the classification process may sound highly technical, it is a topic that should be understood by your organization’s leadership.


Data loss prevention (DLP) is a set of tools and processes used to ensure that sensitive data is not lost, misused, or accessed by unauthorized users.

DLP software classifies regulated, confidential and business critical data and identifies violations of policies defined by organizations or within a predefined policy pack, typically driven by regulatory compliance such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS, or GDPR. Once those violations are identified, DLP enforces remediation with alerts, encryption, and other protective actions to prevent end users from accidentally or maliciously sharing data that could put the organization at risk. Data loss prevention software and tools monitor and control endpoint activities, filter data streams on corporate networks, and monitor data in the cloud to protect data at rest, in motion, and in use. DLP also provides reporting to meet compliance and auditing requirements and identify areas of weakness and anomalies for forensics and incident response.


Data loss prevention solves three main objectives that are common pain points for many organizations:

  • Personal information protection / compliance
  • Intellectual property (IP) protection
  • Data visibility.

Personal Information Protection / Compliance: Does your organization collect and store Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Protected Health Information (PHI), or payment card information (PCI)? If so, you are more than likely subject to compliance regulations, such as HIPAA (for PHI) and GDPR (for personal data of EU residents), that require you to protect your customers’ sensitive data. DLP can identify, classify, and tag sensitive data and monitor activities and events surrounding that data. In addition, reporting capabilities provide the details needed for compliance audits.

IP Protection: Does your organization have important intellectual property and trade or state secrets that could put your organization’s financial health and brand image at risk if lost or stolen? DLP solutions like Digital Guardian that use context-based classification can classify intellectual property in both structured and unstructured forms. With policies and controls in place, you can protect against unwanted exfiltration of this data.

Data Visibility: Is your organization seeking to gain additional visibility into data movement? A comprehensive enterprise DLP solution can help you see and track your data on endpoints, networks, and the cloud. This will provide you with visibility into how individual users within your organization interact with data.

While these are the three main use cases, DLP can remediate a variety of other pain points including insider threats, Office 365 data security, user and entity behavior analysis, and advanced threats.


In the 2017 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Enterprise DLP, Gartner estimated that the total data loss prevention market would reach $1.3 billion in 2020.

Now, updated forecasts show a likely $2.64 billion market size in 2020. The DLP market is not new, but it has evolved to include managed services, cloud functionality, and advanced threat protection amongst other things. All of this, coupled with the upward trend in giant data breaches, has seen a massive uptick in DLP adoption as a means to protect sensitive data. Here are nine trends that are driving the wider adoption of DLP:

The Growth of the CISO Role: More companies have hired and are hiring Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs), who often report to the CEO.

CEOs want to know the game plan for preventing data leaks. DLP provides clear business value in this regard and gives CISOs the necessary reporting capabilities to provide regular updates to the CEO.

Evolving Compliance Mandates: Global data protection regulations constantly change and your organization needs to be adaptable and prepared. Within the past couple years, lawmakers in the EU and New York State, respectively, have passed the GDPR and NYDFS Cybersecurity Regulation, both of which have tightened data protection requirements. DLP solutions allow organizations the flexibility to evolve with changing global regulations.

There are More Places to Protect Your Data: Increased use of the cloud, complicated supply chain networks, and other services you no longer have full control over has made protecting your data more complex. Visibility into the events and context of events that surround your data before it leaves your organization is important in preventing your sensitive data from getting into the wrong hands.

Data Breaches are Frequent and Large: Adversaries from nation states, cyber criminals and malicious insiders are targeting your sensitive data for a variety motives, such as corporate espionage, personal financial gain, and political advantage. DLP can protect against all kinds of adversaries, malicious or not.

Within just the past couple of years, there have been thousands of data breaches and many more security incidents. Billions of records have been lost in giant data breaches such as: the database mis-configuration that leaked nearly 200 million US voter records in 2015, the Equifax data breach that kept getting bigger, and the Yahoo breach that affected 3 billion users. These are only a few of the many headliners that emphasize the need to protect your organization’s data.

Your Organization’s Stolen Data is Worth More: Stolen data is often sold on the Dark Web, where individuals and groups can purchase and use it for their own benefit. With certain data types selling for up to a few thousand dollars, there is a clear financial incentive for data theft.

There’s More Data to Steal: The definition of what is sensitive data has expanded over the years. Sensitive data now includes intangible assets, such as pricing models and business methodologies. From 1975 to 2015, the amount of intangible assets grew from 17% of the S&P 500 market value to 84%, according to Ocean Tomo’s Intangible Asset Market Value Study. These assets also hit a record $21 trillion in 2018. This means your organization has a lot more data to protect.

There’s a Security Talent Shortage: The security talent shortage is not going away anytime soon and you’ve probably already felt its impact on your own organization. In fact, in an ESG and ISSA survey from 2017, 43% of respondents said their organizations had been impacted by the shortage. The shortage is only getting worse with 3.5 million unfilled security positions projected by 2021. Managed DLP services act as remote extensions of your team to fill that personnel gap.



Determine your primary data protection objective. Are you trying to protect your intellectual property, gain more visibility into your data, or meet regulatory compliance? With a main objective in place, it’s easier to determine the most appropriate DLP deployment architecture or combination of architectures. The four main DLP deployment architectures are: Endpoint DLP, Network DLP, Discovery, and Cloud.

DLP is not a security-only decision. If you don’t have an approved budget for a DLP program yet, you need buy-in from other executives like the CFO and the CEO.

Leverage the pain points of different business units to show how DLP can address them. For example, the CFO’s pain points include efficient use of assets and profitable growth. Managed DLP services address these pain points by eliminating the need for additional staff and CapEx to deploy and maintain a DLP program.

When researching DLP vendors, establish your evaluation criteria:

  • What types of deployment architectures are offered?
  • Do they support Windows, Linux, and OS X with feature parity?
  • What deployment options do they offer? Do they provide managed services?
  • Do you need to defend against mainly internal or external threats? Or both?
  • Do you need to perform content- or context-based inspection and classification? Will your users be able to self-classify documents? Do you need a blend of multiple methods?
  • Are you most concerned with protecting structured or unstructured data?
  • Do you plan to see and enforce data movement based on policies, events, or users?
  • What compliance regulations are you bound by? What new regulations are on the horizon?
  • Who are their technology alliance partners and what technologies would you like to integrate with your DLP?
  • How quickly do you need to deploy your DLP program?
  • Will you need additional staff to manage your DLP program?

Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the individuals involved in your organization’s DLP program. Building out role-based rights and duties will provide checks and balances.

Start with a clearly defined quick win. Organizations often try complicated initial rollout plans or try to solve too many use cases at once. Define your initial approach and set objectives that are fast and measurable. You should either take the project approach, where you narrow in and focus on a specific data type, or the data visibility approach, where your primary focus is discovery and automated classification of sensitive data to control egress.

Work together with business unit heads to define the DLP policies that will govern your organization’s data. This will help ensure that the different business units are aware of the policies in place and how they might be impacted. Keep in mind that there’s no one right way to develop DLP policies. Often, DLP strategy will align with your corporate culture.

Document your processes carefully. This will help you with consistent application of policies, give you a document of record for when reviews are needed, and will also be helpful when onboarding new team members or employees.

Define success metrics and share reporting with business leaders. Determine the key performance indicators (KPIs) you should measure and monitor them closely to determine the success of your DLP program and areas of improvement. Share these metrics with your organization’s leaders to show the positive impact of DLP and its business value.

DLP is a program, not a product. Installing a DLP tool is just the first step in Data Loss Prevention. While you can get quick wins, understanding that DLP is a program to be continuously worked on will help you achieve lasting success. DLP is a constant process of understanding your data and how users, systems, and events interact with that data to better protect it.


Integrated risk management is a set of practices and processes supported by technologies that improve decision making and visibility into an organization’s security and risk posture. integrated risk management is a recognition that each organization faces unique sets of risks and threats and as a result, must take a risk-centric (not compliance-focused) approach to information security.

Email Security :

Email security is a term for describing different procedures and techniques for protecting email accounts, content, and communication against unauthorized access, loss or compromise. Email is often used to spread malware, spam and phishing attacks. Attackers use deceptive messages to entice recipients to part with sensitive information, open attachments or click on hyperlinks that install malware on the victim’s device.

Email is also a common entry point for attackers looking to gain a foothold in an enterprise network and obtain valuable company data.

Email encryption involves encrypting, or disguising, the content of email messages to protect potentially sensitive information from being read by anyone other than intended recipients. Email encryption often includes authentication.


Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) describes a broad range of security testing services designed to identify and help address cyber security exposures.

In order to ensure that you choose the right type of assessment for your organisation’s needs, it’s important to understand VAPT services and the differences between them.

The diverse nature of VAPT assessments means that they can vary significantly in depth, breadth, scope and price.

What is VAPT?

VAPT is a term used to describe security testing that is designed to identify and help address cyber security vulnerabilities.

VAPT could include anything from automated vulnerability assessments to human-led penetration testing and red team operations.

“Data is the lifeblood of any organization”

Data or Information was/is the lifeblood of any organization in the past & today and will also remain always. As its volume increases and the threat landscape evolves, taking care of your data is critical, no matter what industry you are in or the size of your company.

As per various research by the individuals/companies, Data Risk and Security Report have revealed that organizations still lack a systematic approach to data security management, which prevents them from ensuring the security of business-critical data and from meeting legislative requirements.

Internet usage has been on the rise for over a decade and according to various researchers/analysts the usage of Ecommerce, Email, and the number of people working remotely has increased significantly.

An email has become the modern way of communication & billions of emails send & receive over a net on a daily basis hence 80% & more cyber-attacks began with email as the first line of the attack thus this has created a huge opportunity for the cybercriminals to breach security.

Nowadays the cybercriminals are more professional, well-funded, knowledgeable, Sophisticated, and also more persistent & systematic as compared to few years.

The Cyber attack has a life circle that starts with Impersonation, Business email compromise, and another form of Phishing scams, Malicious insiders and Third parties, etc. which allow cyber criminals to execute Identify Exploitable vulnerability which is the 1st step of the cyber attack life circle.||||| They use Malware fewer files, Downloader, Ransomware, User mistakes, and Steganography, etc. form of the attacks to reach 2nd step of cyber-attack to gain the initial access into the victim system later they strengthen position with victim system.

Once they strengthen their position with the victim system, they start stealing valid user credentials to identify target data/information. These allow cybercriminals for lateral movement and maintain presence into victim networks and package and steal target data to complete the mission.

A flexible workplace offer has multiple benefits that allow work from home for the employees, employees on a business trip and remote workers like freelancers and contractors log into the corporate network. Now it’s also common for remote workers to log into your corporate network from their own devices, like Laptop, Mobile & PDA, etc (Now certainly going to increase after this pandemic) which are more likely to have security vulnerabilities. For example, you have little or no ability to ensure that those devices are free from malicious software and that they are properly patched. Also, you are less able to respond promptly if a remote user makes a mistake that leads to unauthorized data access or even data compromise such mistakes not only limited to security breach / weaken that can put your business at risk but also indirect costs caused by damage to your reputation (e.g., loss of customer loyalty and brand value) hence Such mistakes are too costly to ignore.

How Now the question raises how to safeguard these Endpoint devices and Networks to avoid any kind of security breach and protect data/information of the organization. To overcome these security challenges, it requires building a layered defense strategy, it’s critical to understand cybersecurity risks and how you intend to reduce them. It’s also important to have a way to measure the business impact of your efforts, so you can ensure you are making appropriate security investments in the security tools like Email Security Gateway, Network Security, Endpoint and Files protection, etc which allow performing activities like Prevention, Detection, Response, hunting Containment, and Analytics, etc.

At B M we design solutions for your data and organization’s security with the help of our highly skilled expertise people and Gartner verified leading products that are highly recommended to an organization for their security.

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